Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Explore the Bruce Rewards App Earns Recognition
Bruce County’s Explore the Bruce Rewards app has earned a Marketing Canada award under the Social Media category from the Economic Developers Association of Canada. The app, launched earlier this year highlight tourism destinations, activities, culinary experiences and local shops across the area while incentivizing users to collect points. Points are earned from the app by visiting trails, parks, restaurants and shops to be redeemed for various awards.... 
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Grey Bruce Public Health Considers Ramping Up Anti-Smoking Education In Light Of Social Media Re-Normalizing Cigarettes
Smoke-Free Ontario sign showing that smoking cigarettes and vaping are not allowed (image via Ontario Ministry of Health) With changing trends and new influencers taking over social media, it appears that there is a newfound influence when it comes to kids and smoking. From pop singers to TikTok personalities, more celebrities who get follows from teens and young adults appear to be lighting up, and that is a cause for concern from Grey Bruce Public Health.... 
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