Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Leadership Unchanged for BWDSB 11/20/2024 There will be no changes in leadership for the Bluewater District School Board. For a 5th straight year, South Bruce Peninsula/Northern Bruce Peninsula Trustee Jane Thomson will serve as chair on a one year term. Acclaimed as Vice-Char was Kincardine-Huron-Kinloss Trustee Jan Johnstone serving for a one year term also for a 5th straight year.... Click Here for More...(ShorelineClassicsFM) |
Chapman’s Gets Featured On Bloomberg Show “World’s Greatest!…” 11/20/2024 Bloomberg will be featuring Chapman’s Ice Cream on their series “World’s Greatest!…” this weekend. “World’s Greatest!…” has featured tours around the world with behind-the-scenes footage and interviews of unique companies for the past 18 years. In an episode that’s set to air on November 23rd, the network will be taking a look at Chapman’s operations in Markdale.... Click Here for More...(97.7theBruce) |
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